
  1. The committee will recommend a brief cognitive assessment that is optimised for centres with perhaps one or few staff members, who may not have neuropsychological training.
  2. The recommended assessment will be constructed to maximise international use, although in the first instance suitability may only be established for certain areas of the world.
  3. The committee will review relevant scientific papers and evaluate possible scales for psychometric qualities, international application, ease of administration, feasibility in the specified context and acceptability to patients.
  4. A consensus opinion article will be published by the committee, which will comprise the objectives, a literature review, and recommendations.
  5. The committee will agree and publish an international validation protocol
  6. The committee will agree and publish guidelines on test-retest times and significant changes to BICAMS.


This website provides information and norms relating to MS cognition. It is not medical advice or any kind of diagnostic or therapeutic tool, and any healthcare evaluations and decisions are the responsibility of the health care professional. The BICAMS team accepts no liability whatsoever in relation to this website save for any which cannot by virtue of law be excluded. Information input by health professionals for the purposes of registering to obtain a password is stored for future verification/amendment. Patient data is anonymised and cannot be identified by the BICAMS team. It is stored and may be used for research. Data is stored and processed in compliance with UK data protection law. It is not intended as a medical information database for clinical or other use.