Prof Bruno Brochet

Prof Bruno Brochet

Dr Bruno Brochet is professor of Neurology at Université Bordeaux-Segalen, France, and Head of the department of Neurology, Centre Hospitalier-Universitaire of Bordeaux, France.

He was trained in medicine at the Faculté de medicine X Bichat (Université Paris-7). After an internship in Bordeaux, he was graduated in Neurology and in Physical medicine. He is an MS specialist and he created the MS Clinic of Bordeaux. He is past president of the “Club Francophone de la Sclérose en Plaques” and member of the scientific and medical advisory board of ARSEP (Association Française contre la Sclérose en plaques) and the Scientific and Medical Advisory Board of LSEP (Ligue Française contre la Sclérose en plaques) for many years. He is member of INSERM U 862 laboratory in which he is the leader of the clinical research group on MS, cognition and imagery. He published mote than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals.